Glossary of Terms
Evidence-based – Evaluated according to rigorous standards of research, including experimental and control groups, or quasi-experimental designs.
First Generation Gang – A street gang that is local and turf-based.
Gang Intervention – Targets active gang members and associates, and involves aggressive outreach to reduce their gang involvement, and ultimately help them get out of gangs. Support services for gang involved youth and their families also help them make the right choices.
Gang Re-Entry – Targets serious gang offenders who are returning to the community after confinement and providing appropriate intervention services and monitoring.
Gang Suppression – Focuses on identifying the most dangerous and influential gang members, and removing them from the community.
GRIP – Gang Risk Intervention Program
Primary Gang Prevention – Targets the entire population of residents in a community impacted by gangs. This includes community mobilization against gangs; assessment of community assets and risks; and reinforcement of law-abiding norms of caring behavior.
Protective Factors – Anything that prevents or reduces the likelihood that a particular event will occur. Protective factors for gang involvement include good health, strong families, respectful and law abiding peers, academic motivation.
Risk Factor – Anything that is likely to increase the chances that a particular event will occur. Risk factors for gang involvement include poverty, health issues, disrespectful or criminal peers, family problems, and lack of motivation at school.
Second Generation Gang – a street gang that is national and involved in trafficking of narcotics.
Secondary Gang Prevention – Identifies at-risk children, ages 7 – 14, and intervenes with appropriate services before early problem behaviors turn into serious delinquency and gang involvement.
Street Gang – A group of three or more persons that has a common name and engages in criminal activities.
Third Generation Gang – A street gang that is international and mercenary.